발매일 | 2024년 09월 25일 |
시간/무게/크기 | 크기확인중 |
KC인증 |
발매일 | 2024년 09월 25일 |
시간/무게/크기 | 크기확인중 |
KC인증 |
1. Star Wars : Princess Leia’s Theme
2-3 Jane Eyre
2. To Thornfield
3. Reunion
4-6 Memoirs of A Geisha
4. Sayuri's Theme
5. A Dream Discarded
6. Going to School
7. Images: In Search of Unicorns
8-11 The River
8. Growing Up
9. The Pony Ride
10. Love Theme
11. Young Friend’s Farewell
12. The Sugarland Express: Theme
13. Elegy
14. A.I.: The Reunion
15. The Empire Strikes Back: Han Solo and the Princess
16. Far and Away: County Galway, Joseph and Shannon, Blowing Off Steam, Finale
1. The Fabelmans
2. Seven Years in Tibet
3. Jurassic Park: A Tree for My Bed
4. Hook: The Face of Pan
5. The Accidental Tourist
6. Schindler’s List: Theme
7-10 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
7. Double Trouble
8. A Window to the Past
9. Hagrid the Professor
10. Chasing Scabbers/Hagrid’s Friendly Bird and The Snowball Fight
11. Dracula: End Credits
12. War Horse: Dartmoor 1912, Bringing Joey Home and Bonding, The Death of Topthorn, Finale and The Homecoming
13. The Patriot
14. Sabrina: How Can I Remember
15-17 The Witches of Eastwick
15. The Tennis Game
16. The Seduction of Suki and The Ballroom Sequence
17. Devil’s Dance
18. E.T.: Over the Moon
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