발매일 | 2016년 01월 19일 |
시간/무게/크기 | 크기확인중 |
KC인증 |
발매일 | 2016년 01월 19일 |
시간/무게/크기 | 크기확인중 |
KC인증 |
01 John Taverner: Mass, "The Western Wind": Western Wind Melody - Gloria
02 John Taverner: Mass, "The Western Wind": Sanctus
03 John Taverner: Mass, "The Western Wind": Benedictus
04 John Taverner: Mass, "The Western Wind": Agnus Dei
05 Richard Rodney Bennett: The Glory and the Dream: There was a time
06 Richard Rodney Bennett: The Glory and the Dream: Our birth is but a sleep
07 Richard Rodney Bennett: The Glory and the Dream: Our joy!
08 Richard Rodney Bennett: The Glory and the Dream: Then sing, ye birds, a joyous song!
09 Orlando Gibbons: Glorious and powerful God
10 Orlando Gibbons: Second Service: Magnificat
11 Orlando Gibbons: Second Service: Nunc Dimittis
12 Thomas Tallis: Te lucis ante terminum ? Procul recedant somnia
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