Maria Gajdosova / David Campbell 리처드 블랙포드: 기악 작품집 - 바이올린 협주곡, 클라리넷 오중주 외 (Richard Blackford: Violin Concerto, Clarinet Quintet, The Better Angels of Our Nature)
David CampbellDaniel PailthorpeEmily PailthorpeJulian Milford 연주 외 5명
Nimbus Records
R?sum? - The Better Angels of Our Nature de Steven Pinker: Au fil de l'histoire, l'?tre humain a fait des progr?s immenses dans son rapport ? la viole
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The Heart and Soul of Manufacturing: How Lean Management aligns with the better angels of our nature to create extraordinary business results
[ Paperback ]
Waddell, Bill
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform