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RETRACE Magazine 리트레이스 매거진 : PONY 포니 영문판 [2023]

: Forever Yours

현대자동차 | 어라운드 | 2023년 06월 08일   저자/출판사 더보기/감추기
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서울특별시 영등포구 은행로 11(여의도동, 일신빌딩)
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발행일 2023년 06월 08일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 212쪽 | 195*260*20mm
ISBN13 9791167540324
ISBN10 1167540328

책소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

목차 목차 보이기/감추기

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Before sunrise
In the beginning, there was no such thing as automobiles

It all started with the hope of leading a better life. When Korea was trying to heal its wounds from the war and rebuild itself as a proper country, Hyundai Motor decided to develop its own, original model. It was a path that no one had taken before.

When Hyundai Motor Company was founded, only about 60,000 cars were registered in Korea. But how about today? There are about 25 million cars registered in Korea now. That’s equivalent to one out of two Koreans owning a vehicle. In this day and age, where people go out on the congested roads every day and a feel familiar fatigue when queuing in front of a crowded parking lot, what is Hyundai Motor dreaming of now? What should we build now to “lead a better life”?

The birth of PONY’s design
Design maestro, Giorgetto Giugiaro

How did the PONY’s design come to life?
The young automaker decides to go it alone and places the destiny of its company in a project to develop an original model. The first step of the project was to find a designer.

The PONY has left behind a rich legacy of emotional and physical assets for Hyundai Motor. Even today, almost half a century after its unveiling at the Turin Motor Show in 1974, it continues to inspire Hyunda’'s new car designs. In a conversation with RETRACE Magazine, Giorgio Giugiaro, a renowned car designer of the century, recalls his first meeting with Hyundai, the design story of the PONY, and the outlook for car design in the era of the shared economy.

Made In Korea
Korea’s first car to cross the ocean

Korean cars are a common sight anywhere nowadays, but in retrospect, exporting our cars overseas was a daunting challenge. Introducing our first car to the international automobile market was such a bold adventure. The PONY crossed the ocean with ambitions to meet more people and be part of a bigger world.

PONY in numbers
Endless value of numbers

The launch of the PONY was a turning point that left a substantial mark in the history of the Korean automotive industry. The model served as a driving force behind the growth of the domestic passenger car market in its meager early days, cultivated automobiles into Korea’s main export product, and elevated the status of the Korean automobile industry. Here, we examine the achievements of the PONY, which laid the foundation for the Korean automotive industry.


Family tine with PONY
With the brown PONY

The thoughts contained in a car
A car is one of the most expensive consumer goods an individual can purchase. My dad's sense of accomplishment when he took the PONY out on his first drive, was based on that fact. For a young family head owning a home, also having a car meant a certain level of social foundation. All that remained was growth. It was a time when growth was the task of both individuals and the nation.

That's why trying to define a car's identity in terms of transportation alone is futile. Because there is much more to it. An automobile is a vessel that contains your tastes and lifestyle. It's a living space, like a living room or a study. It's a diary that collects your thoughts and memories and a proof of your freedom and accomplishments. With all of these meanings intact, the car simply stays by us. As a new and proud companion that extends our lifestyle, just like the PONY was to my family in the 1980s.

Dear my friend
Old Cars
To my dear old friend

The fate that arrived just the right time- 1982 PONY 2
Ju Yongtae

But when they see the PONY, they give it a thumbs-up, tell me how cool it is, and even make small talk starting with, “Back in my day.” Those events make me happy, too. That’s the beauty of vintage cars, I think, to bring joy to others. I’m just an ordinary person, but I’m getting this kind of attention and an interview like this, so I think it’s all thanks to the PONY.

My precious beloved first car
My beloved first car

"What does your first car mean to you?"
Take the word "first" and add "car" after it. The first car that accompanied you through the ups and downs of your social life, the first car that took you on a road trip with your family... These two words mean something different and special to everyone. It was the PONY, a small, angular car appeared in the 1970s, that realized the dream of owning a car for many. Now, more than 50 years later, with countless new models driving around, how much has the meaning of the first car changed? We asked five different people who chose Hyundai as their first car, "What does your first car mean to you?"

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